Fall 2021 Updates

Fall 2021 Updates

----- sent by email on 11/3/2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To Westside Soccer Club Members,

The Westside Recreational Soccer Club Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 17th at 7:00 pm.

Parents and guardians of Westside recreational soccer players are invited to attend.

At this meeting we will:

  • Review 2021 Operations
  • Elect Officers for 2022
  • Listen to feedback from attendees

AGM Agenda

  1. President's report on 2021
  2. Treasurer's report on 2021
  3. New Business
  4. Review Westside board appointed positions
  5. Vote on Westside board elected positions
  6. Roundtable

This meeting will be held via Zoom. Please click HERE to RSVP and receive a Zoom invite. 

Thank you,

Karl Meyer
Westside Soccer Club

------ sent by email on 10/31/2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC families -- 

For many of you the fall season has ended.  Some of you have games left on Nov 6.  On behalf of the WSC board, thank you for participating in our Fall 2021 soccer season.  I would like to especially thank our volunteer coaches.  The coaches are the most important people in making this league run well.   If you think your coach did a really awesome job, please reply to this message and let me know.  I plan to nominate 1 or 2 WSC coaches for the OYSA recreational coach of the year award.

We had 3 big challenges this fall: (1) shortage of referees, (2) Covid related quarantines of players or teams, and (3) field closures due to wet weather.  Thank you to everyone for your understanding as we worked through these issues.

We need more referees!  Anyone 13 or older can become a referee.  Just go to the www.oregonreferee.com website and click on the button "become a ref."  Classes are being held on 11/7, 11/14, 11/21 and 12/5.  It's a great first job for teenagers.

The Covid situation is improving.  Cases in Washington Co have come down from the peak earlier this fall.  It appears that vaccines will be available soon for 5-12 year old children.  I am hopeful that we will have significantly less Covid impacts to our players and teams in the spring.  Any club/league policies will be determined in the weeks just prior to the spring season.

Here is some more information as we look forward to spring soccer.

Spring Registration

Registration opens on Nov 1 for Spring 2022 recreational soccer.  Register on our website at www.westsidesoccerclub.com.    A separate email will be sent with more details.

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting will happen on Nov 17 at 7 pm over Zoom.  This is the meeting where we review the previous year of club operations and finances.  We also elect the board for the coming year.  A separate email will go out with more details on how to attend if you are interested.

Volunteer opportunities

In addition to our volunteer coaches, we also need volunteers to serve on the club's board.  Current open positions on the board are:

  • Director of coaching -- Serves as a resource to coaches.  Plans twice yearly coaching clinics.  Helps resolve any issues with coaches in the club.  Someone who has already been a coach in the club would be best for this role.
  • Events manager -- Help organize events such as our Thorns/Timbers "dream team" when the kids walk on the field for the national anthem at a Thorns or Timbers game.
  • High School Age Group Coordinator -- Form the teams and recruit coaches for the High School teams in the fall only.  Time commitment is small and mostly happens within a 2-3 week window prior to the fall season. 

Primary thing we are looking for in people to fill these positions is that you can work well with other people.  Please contact me directly if you are interested in any of these roles.  If you want to volunteer on the board, but aren't interested in these specific roles, please contact me. 

Photos for website

If you have any good pictures of players in Westside uniforms, you can send to me and I will put a few of them on our website.  By submitting, you are giving permission for the photo to appear on the website.

Thanks for playing soccer and see you in the spring. 

Westside Soccer Board


----- sent by email on 10/11/2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Westside soccer families –

I’m certain most of you are aware of the issues currently facing the Portland Thorns and the NWSL having to do with abuse of players by coaches.  The purpose in sending this message is to reiterate Westside Soccer’s position regarding abuse in any form and to remind you of our abuse prevention measures.  As we state on our website, “Westside Soccer does not tolerate any form of physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying or harassment.” 

We work to ensure the safety of our players in the following ways:

Background Checks:  In order to be approved as a coach, each person must annually complete a background check by the Oregon Youth Soccer Association (www.oregonyouthsoccer.org)

Safesport training that is focused on prevention of athlete abuse is also required annually (www.safesport.org).  Parent training is available at www.athletesafety.org if you are interested.

Abuse reporting page on our website (www.westsidesoccer.com/reporting-abuse) that provides an email to report any abuse that you observe.  

Mandatory Reporting:  Our abuse reporting page also tells you that all volunteers in our organization are mandatory reporters for any abuse they observe.  That means they are required by law to report any abuse.

With these measures in place, we hope to provide a safe environment for everyone’s children to enjoy the sport of soccer.

Thanks.  – Karl Meyer (president) and the Westside Soccer Board


----- sent by email on 10/7/2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear THPRD Affiliate Teams and Families –


We are reaching out today to share with you some upsetting information.  We have had reports of inappropriate, offensive, racially specific language used at games played at THPRD fields over the past two weekends. This language has come from both players on the field as well as spectators observing games.


THPRD has zero tolerance for this behavior.  We have reported the incidents to the affiliates, the referees, and leagues, and these incidents are being fully investigated.


Language matters.  Words matter.  And we are asking for your help to please speak with, and make sure your teams and supporters at games understand, that THPRD will not allow this type of behavior on the property.


We have asked each affiliate to share this message with their full membership.  Moving forward, we will be asking the leagues to make sure that referees understand that if this activity or language is being used during a game (by players or spectators), the game will be stopped.  We will ask that our Safety Services personnel be called, and any spectators or players using offensive or abusive language will be subject to possible exclusion from THPRD properties.


In September, our Board of Directors adopted an updated Equity & Inclusion Statement which reads:

We acknowledge that all U.S. government agencies have roots stemming from systemic racism and oppression, including THPRD.


We seek to hold ourselves accountable for our role in perpetuating these systems and are committed to taking action to create meaningful change.


We aspire to bring people together,  be a welcoming and inclusive park & recreation district and live our values of advancing social and racial equity.


When people direct hateful, offensive language at others and use slurs meant to demean one for their racial identity, gender, or disability, it creates an atmosphere where people don’t feel safe or welcome. This is something we must all work together to change.


We appreciate your help and support in speaking with your players, families, and supporters on the importance of this issue.  We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time playing sports. To do that, we need to make sure everyone feels welcome and safe in these spaces. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you,


Julie Rocha, CPRP (she, her, hers)

Interim Sports & Inclusion Director

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District

15707 SW Walker Rd.

Beaverton, OR 97006

Cell: 503-720-3052



----- sent by email on 9/10/2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Westside soccer families --

As you all know, games are starting this Saturday 9/11.  Please read below for two important items as we head into games.  Thanks and enjoy coaching or watching the kids play.


There is a significant shortage of referees this fall.  Some games will not have an assigned referee.

  • Coaches should bring a whistle to their game in case there is no referee and they need to do it themselves. (Only approved coaches or referees can be on the field with the players, no parent volunteers.)
  • Coaches, players and spectators need to refrain from any negative comments toward referees.  We can't afford to lose any more refs because they are being criticized for their calls.
  • Anyone who is 13 years or older can become a ref and earn some money.  Go to www.oregonreferee.com and click on "become a referee" to see the steps to become a youth soccer ref.


We are seeing positive COVID cases and COVID exposures within our club.  As best we know, none of the positive cases were infected at soccer practice.  We currently have several players that are in a 14 day quarantine and 1 entire team that is in a 14 day quarantine.  Please do everything you can to limit the spread of the virus, including follow the face covering policies below.

Mask policy for THJSL league games (Grade 2 - High School) as published by the THJSL board:

THJSL mask policy - Update Aug 27 based on Mandate for Outdoor Masking

For the fall 2021 season, THJSL and its member clubs will follow the Outdoor Mask Mandate issued by Governor Brown. 

  • All Coaches, Referees, and Players will wear Masks at all times except Players/Referees when they are actively taking part in Games. 
  • Spectators are required to wear masks when they are not socially distant from those outside of their household. 

Exact text is in the web link below and a mask FAQ.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Westside Soccer Micro games (Kindergarten and 1st grade) will follow the Westside policy. 

  • Players are required to wear a mask at all times. 
  • Coaches are required wear a  mask at all times (same as THJSL policy)
  • Spectators are required to wear masks when they are not socially distant from those outside of their household.  (same as THJSL policy)
  • Masks can be removed for eating and drinking, please be 6 feet away from others when eating or drinking.

Have fun with soccer this weekend.  Support your kids, be kind to your opponents and be kind to the referees.


----- sent by email on 8/29/2021 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Westside soccer coaches and parents --

Westside soccer's #1 priority is the health and safety of our participants.  In response to the recent large increase in COVID cases, deaths and hospitalizations, we are changing our face covering policy effective Monday 8/30/2021.  The new policy is:


At all Westside team practices, players are required to wear a face covering at all times, regardless of vaccination status.

At Westside Micro games (Kinder and 1st grade), players are required to wear a face covering at all times.

At league games for Grades 2 through High School, we will use the league mask policy that masks are strongly recommended, but not required when players are playing on the field.  Players on the sidelines are required to wear a mask.

Coaches are required to wear a face covering at all times during both practices and games, regardless of vaccination status.

Spectators are required to either wear a face covering or maintain 6 feet of distance, regardless of vaccination status.

All participants are allowed to remove their mask to eat or drink.  Please maintain 6 feet of distancing when you are eating or drinking.



Why is Westside soccer choosing to require masks?  The Westside soccer board believes strongly in doing what we can to help abate the current surge in COVID cases.  It is our first responsibility to keep our participants safe.  Most of our players are unvaccinated and face coverings are an effective way to limit the spread of COVID.  The COVID situation now is much worse than this past Spring when masks where required.

Why are masks "recommended" for Grade2-HS league games?  Our league, THJSL, sets the policy for league games and that is what they have chosen.  However, THPRD clearly states that any individual club can have a more restrictive policy and that is what Westside soccer is doing for our club practices and micro games.

If I don't want my player to wear a mask in practices/games, can I have refund?  Yes, we have modified our refund policy to allow for refunds up until Thursday 9/2.  Send an email to westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com.  Your full registration minus a $15 administrative fee will be refunded.  The $15 covers credit card fees, web hosting fees and OYSA registration costs that we have already paid.  No refunds will be made starting Sept 3, 2021.

Is it possible the mask requirement will change during the season?  Yes, changes are possible.  We will be continuously looking at the COVID situation and evaluating our policy.

Thanks very much for your cooperation. -- Westside soccer board


------ sent by email on 8/19/2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

********************** COVID guidance for Fall 2021 Season *********************************************

  • You must stay home if you are sick or if anyone in your family is COVID positive or exposed to a COVID positive person.
  • If you test positive for COVID or have close contact with a COVID positive person, you must notify Westside Soccer club immediately through the covid19@westsidesoccerclub.com email address.

WSC president's message, Fall 2021

The Westside Soccer Club is committed to health and well being of our participants and our community. As you are likely aware, the situation involving COVID-19 continues to change rapidly. Our area is currently experiencing record cases and record hospitalizations, exceeding the previous worst case recorded in November, 2020; our area hospitals are nearly at capacity. Health experts have been clear that the best way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community is through vaccination and wearing a face covering. 

As a youth soccer organization, the vast majority of our participants are too young to be vaccinated. The best way for you to help, and Westside Soccer Club's strong recommendation, is that everyone wears a face covering at all of our activities; this includes players, coaches, parents, and any other spectators regardless of vaccination status.  

Please be advised that given the current outbreak situation, we expect that changes may occur with little notice, and that a face covering requirement could be implemented at any time.

THJSL mask policy

For the fall 2021 season, THJSL and it's member clubs will follow OHA guidance that masks are strongly recommended for unvaccinated or at-risk individuals in outdoor crowded areas.  All youth soccer games qualify as an outdoor crowded area.  Exact text and web link below  Thank you for your cooperation.

The Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends that: 

• In outdoor crowded areas or large gatherings, individuals who are unvaccinated or who are at risk for severe COVID-19 disease continue to wear a mask or face covering and maintain physical distancing of at least six (6) feet from other individuals. Crowded areas and large gatherings of individuals include but are not limited to venues, event areas, sports events, fairs, festivals, parades, graduation ceremonies or wedding receptions.



------- sent by email on 8/16/2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC families --

Our fall season is starting to get underway.  Most teams have started practicing. If you have not heard from your coach, please log in to MyDemosphere (login.demosphere.com) to see your team and get your coach contact info.  If you still have questions, then  contact our office at westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com.

Here is some important information about the upcoming season:

Practice Schedule

Each team practices twice a week in August and September, then once a week in October.  Your head coach should already have notified you about your team's practice schedule.

Game Schedule

Games start on Saturday Sept 11.  The schedule will be posted on the THJSL (www.thjsl.com) website about 1-2 weeks before the season starts.


Kindergarten and 1st grade: Coaches pick up the uniforms from the micro coordinator and distribute to the players.

Grade 2 through High School: Uniform is the Westside kit that can be purchased at Tursi's.  Westside Rec – Tursi Soccer Store (tursissoccer.com)

It's OK to re-use uniforms from previous seasons.  If you need a new one, please do not wait until the last minute.

Behavior at Games

In the spring season, we had several instances of coaches or parents behaving in a way that is inappropriate for a youth soccer game.  We expect all players, parents and coaches to conduct themselves in the best manner possible.  Please use only positive and encouraging comments when at the games.

Communication Tools

Our website vendor is in transition on our communication tools.

  • The www.teamnet.org website can be used for this season, but then it will go out of service.
  • You can also use the Demosphere mobile app on your phone.  Coaches, you need to make sure all the parents have the Demosphere app on their phone in order that they get your messages.
  • The new MyDemosphere website (login.demosphere.com) is just coming on line now.  You can try to use if you want, but it's not tested by anyone in our club.


  • Throw-ins return to the games this fall. 
  • No headers rule remains up to 8th grade.  Intentional heading is allowed in High School games only
  • Any kind of intentional coughing or heavy breathing on another player is still a red card offense.


Due to staffing constraints, THPRD may not have all the fields prepared as well as we would like.  Coaches, if you find an issue with your practice or game field, please report it immediately to Bill Kanable.

That's all for now.  Have a great fall season.

Karl Meyer

WSC president


-------- sent by email on 7/31/2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello Westside Soccer Families --

Here is an update on our Fall 2021 Rec Soccer Season.  This email is directed primarily at Grades 2 through HS.  Team formation is also happening for Kindergarten and 1st grade, but those teams usually get formed a bit later.


Our volunteer board and Age Group Coordinators are working hard to form teams, find coaches for those teams and help the coaches through the approval process.  

We currently have 73 teams formed for G2 through HS, 60 of those teams have a head coach identified, and 47 of those head coaches are fully approved.

Approved head coaches can contact their teams now. If you are not hearing anything from your coach, that likely means that you are one of the teams that does not yet have an approved head coach.  Please be patient as we work through this process.

Coaches should please finish up their registration tasks ASAP.  Grade 2 boys, Grade 3 boys, Grade 4 boys and Grade 6 boys are all in need of more head coaches.  If you have a player in one of those groups and are willing to be a coach, please go to our website to sign up.


Teams will start practices in August, but the exact date depends on your team having an approved head coach.  Each coach will individually announce their practice schedule.


Games start on September 11.  Schedules will be published in late Aug or early Sept.

That's all for now.  Stay cool and stay safe.

-- Karl Meyer, WSC president

---------- sent by email on 5/10/2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Registration for Fall 2021 is NOW OPEN at:


If you have already registered, please disregard this email.

COVID protocols will be determined over summer based on guidance from OHA and THPRD. Our registration process references current protocols (face covering and social distancing requirements for players/coaches/officials/spectators) which will remain in place until changed by OHA/THPRD.

If you will be paying by check or need a paper registration form, please email the office at westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com for assistance. Player registration is not complete and teams will not be assigned until payment is received. Placement requests will be honored if possible but are not guaranteed.

Interested in Coaching? Please see Coaches Information and register as a Volunteer for the Fall 2021 season.

Questions?  Please contact the office at westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com or call (503) 352-0180. Emails/voicemails received Mon/Thurs 10a-2p will be returned that day. Messages received outside of those hours will have a delayed response.