Fall 2022 Updates

Fall 2022 Updates

--------------- sent on 11/3/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC Families --

Our fall season is coming to a close. Many of you have played your last game and some of you have 1 more game this Saturday.  Thank you for participating in our Fall 2022 Recreational Soccer season.  Special thanks go out to our coaches.  These volunteer coaches are the people that really make the season possible. 

Please read below for some more important information from our club.

Annual General Meeting:  Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday Nov 9 at 7 pm, over Zoom.  At this meeting we review the past year of club activities and hold elections for our board of directors for 2023.  All WSC members are invited to attend.

To RSVP for the AGM, fill out this form:  https://forms.gle/vh865RQm7yTWPKSt9

Spring 2023 Registration:  Registration is now open for Spring 2023 recreational soccer on our website at www.westsidesoccerclub.com.  

Soccer Gear donations:  Do you have any Westside gear that your kids have outgrown?  We are now accepting donations of used (in good condition) soccer gear for use by families that cannot afford to buy the gear.  The items that can be donated are: WSC jerseys, WSC shorts, WSC socks, soccer cleats and shin guards.  Donations can be brought to the WSC office (8231 SW Cirrus Dr, Building 16) during business hours (M-F, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm) or to a bin at my house (email me for address).

Volunteer opportunities: Westside soccer is always looking for volunteers to help run the club.  If you are interested in being an Age group coordinator (the person who organizes the teams) or helping with our board of directors, please contact me.  At the present time, I am looking for 1 or 2 more people to join our board of directors.

Photos for website:  If you have a photo you would like to see on our website, please send it to me.  By submitting, you are giving permission for the photo to appear on the website.

For our Spanish speaking families, I have set up an email where Spanish language questions can be sent.  (espanol@westsidesoccerclub.com).

Para nuestras familias de habla hispana, he configurado un correo electrónico donde se pueden enviar preguntas en español.  (espanol@westsidesoccerclub.com).

Lastly, congratulations are in order for our 8th grade Girl’s coach Michelle Cannici.  Earlier this year she was named Oregon Girl’s recreational coach of the year.  Now, she has also been selected as the US Youth Soccer Western Regional Girl’s recreational coach of the year! See the article below. 

Thanks for playing soccer. See you in the spring!

Karl Meyer, WSC president

--------------- sent on 10/7/2022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC families --

You are allowed access to the Adidas Employee Store from Oct 4 to Nov 2, 2022.  Store address and hours are in the invitation.  To gain entrance to the store, you must:

- Bring a valid photo ID

- Identify yourself as a member of Westside soccer.  One person in the family can wear a Westside soccer jersey/coaches shirt or show your team membership in the Demosphere app.

- Bring either a paper or electronic copy of the invitation.  The QR code will be used at check out.

Here is the invitation:


Thanks. -- Karl Meyer, WSC president

------------------------------ sent on 10/4/2022 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Westside Soccer Coaches and Families --

We are seeing numerous instances of disrespectful treatment of referees in our league this fall.  Please remember that the goal of youth recreational soccer is for the players to enjoy playing soccer.  Any yelling or other poor treatment of referees has no place in our league.  I know that most people are behaving well, but enough people are not that it is a problem.

Coaches are welcome to use the referee feedback form if they have either positive comments or areas for improvement for a referee.  http://evaluation.compumetics.com/THJSLRefereeEvaluation.html

See below for comments from referee match reports and for the information that was sent out to all referees.  Thank you and please be kind to all of our referees.

Karl Meyer, WSC president

----------------  Examples of comments from referee reports ----------------------------------------------------------

The visiting team???s coach was chirping the entire time and didn???t respect many of the calls.

The visiting team???s coach was not nice to me.


Parent was rude to me saying how I should stay with the last defender even though I was clearly doing my job correctly. She also yelled at the center ref, xxx told her and her friend he would throw them out if they did not stop. She also came up to me after my game to say she was just trying to tell me what I can improve. I said thank you and walked away. 


"From the center of the field, I could hear the coach, loudly complaining that I did not communicate a call, despite me making the proper and necessary hand signals and all the players on the field understanding. I first walked over to the coach, gave him a verbal warning for dissent, told him to stop, and that a further offense would be a yellow. He continued to complain, and argue, and so I then gave the yellow, and while he continued, his assistant then, stopped him and we were able to continue play.”

------------------------------ Sent on 9/7/2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello Westside Soccer Families --

As you all know, Fall rec soccer games are starting this Saturday 9/10.  For Grade2-High School games, the schedule is posted on the THJSL website.  For Kinder and Grade1, the schedule is on the Westside soccer website micro page.

Please read below for a few important items as we head into games.  Thanks and enjoy coaching or watching the kids play.

Respectful behaviors by all participants are critical to the success of recreational soccer.  Coaches, players, and spectators should use encouraging comments and need to refrain from any negative comments toward referees or opposing players/coaches. 

The referee shortage remains. We will not have enough referees to cover all games.  For some games, one of the coaches will need to referee.  Only approved coaches and licensed referees are allowed to be on the field with the players, no parent volunteers.

Game uniforms are purchased at Tursi's for G2 - HS.  Please get your uniform ASAP if you don’t have it already!  See our website for more information.  For the micro teams (GK and G1), you will get your jersey directly from your team's coach.

COVID procedures will continue to be those of the Beaverton School District.  See our website at www.westsidesoccerclub.com for more details. 

· Most importantly, stay home if you are not feeling well. 

· Please contact Westside Soccer if a player or coach is positive.  Use the email covid19@westsidesoccerclub.com.

Have fun with soccer this weekend.  Support your kids, be kind to your opponents and be kind to the referees.

Karl Meyer and the WSC board


-------------------------------- Sent by email 8/6/2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------

WSC families --

Welcome to our Fall 2022 soccer season.  Below is much of the information that you need, so please read carefully.  If you still have questions, contact our office at westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com.


Teams have been formed and all teams are now available to be viewed on the Demosphere app.  I strongly encourage everyone to load the Demosphere app on their phone.  You must have the app to see any messages that are posted by your coach or other parents on the team.

Coaches should be contacting all families shortly if they have not already.  There are a few teams that still do not have a coach and we are working to identify coaches as quickly as possible.  If you have not heard from your coach by August 15 you can send an email to westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com to find out about your team.

Practice Schedule

Practices are allowed to start now, but some coaches choose to start later in August.  Your head coach will notify you about your team's practice schedule. 

Game Schedule

Games start on Saturday September 10.  The G2-HS game schedule will be posted on the THJSL website (Tualatin Hills Junior Soccer League | Home) about 1-2 weeks prior to the start of games .  Your head coach will notify you about your game schedule.

The micro (K and 1st grade) schedule will be posted on the Micro page of the Westside Web site.


Kindergarten and 1st grade: Players will get their uniform (jersey and socks) directly from their coach.

Grade 2 through High School: Uniform is the Westside kit that can be purchased at Tursi's.  Westside Rec – Tursi Soccer Store (tursissoccer.com) 

Do NOT use the on-line ordering process.  Tursi’s has retail staff to help those going into the store but they are 3-4 weeks behind for online orders.

It's OK to re-use G2-HS uniforms from previous seasons.  If you need a new one, please do not wait until the last minute.  Remember that no jewelry is allowed to be worn by players during games.

COVID policy

We will continue to follow the COVID procedures of the Beaverton School District.  See our website at www.westsidesoccerclub.com for more details.  Most importantly, stay home if you are not feeling well.  Please note that COVID policies can change at any time based on the prevalence of the virus in our community and guidance from our governing bodies.

Behavior at Games

We expect all players, parents and coaches to conduct themselves in the best manner possible.  Please use only positive and encouraging comments when at the games.

Westside Soccer Club does not tolerate any form of physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying or harassment. Any such issues will result in disciplinary action.

There is currently a shortage of referees.  We must treat the referees with respect at all times.  We cannot afford to lose referees because they are being yelled at by coaches or parents.  If you are interested in becoming a referee, please go to www.oregonreferee.com to find classes.

That’s all for now.  Have a great season.

Por favor, responda a mí si desea recibir este mensaje en español.

Karl Meyer, WSC president

------------------------- same message as above in spanish ----------------------------------------------------------

Familias WSC --

Bienvenido a nuestra temporada de fútbol de otoño de 2022. A continuación se muestra gran parte de la información que necesita, así que lea cuidadosamente. Si aún tiene preguntas, comuníquese con nuestra oficina en westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com.



Se han formado equipos y todos los equipos ahora están disponibles para ser vistos en la aplicación Demosphere.  Recomiendo encarecidamente a todos que carguen la aplicación Demosphere en su teléfono.  Debe tener la aplicación para ver cualquier mensaje que publique su entrenador u otros padres en el equipo.

Los entrenadores deben ponerse en contacto con todas las familias en breve si aún no lo han hecho.  Hay algunos equipos que todavía no tienen un entrenador y estamos trabajando para identificar entrenadores lo más rápido posible.  Si no ha tenido noticias de su entrenador antes del 15 de agosto, puede enviar un correo electrónico a westsidesoccerinfo@gmail.com para informarse sobre su equipo.


Horario de práctica

Las prácticas pueden comenzar ahora, pero algunos entrenadores optan por comenzar más tarde en agosto.  Su entrenador en jefe le notificará sobre el horario de práctica de su equipo. 


Calendario de juegos

Los juegos comienzan el sábado 10 de septiembre.  El calendario de partidos de G2-HS se publicará en el sitio web de THJSL (Tualatin Hills Junior Soccer League | Home) aproximadamente 1-2 semanas antes del inicio de los juegos.  Su entrenador en jefe le notificará sobre su horario de juego.

El horario de micro (K y 1er grado) se publicará en la página Micro del sitio web de Westside.



Kindergarten y 1er grado: Los jugadores recibirán su uniforme (camiseta y calcetines) directamente de su entrenador.

Grado 2 hasta la escuela secundaria: El uniforme es el kit westside que se puede comprar en Tursi's.  Westside Rec – Tursi Soccer Store (tursissoccer.com) 


NO utilice el proceso de pedido en línea.  Tursi's tiene personal minorista para ayudar a los que van a la tienda, pero tienen un retraso de 3 a 4 semanas para los pedidos en línea.

Está bien reutilizar los uniformes G2-HS de temporadas anteriores.  Si necesita uno nuevo, no espere hasta el último minuto.  Recuerde que los jugadores no pueden usar joyas durante los juegos. 


Política COVID

Continuaremos siguiendo los procedimientos COVID del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton.  Consulte nuestro sitio web en www.westsidesoccerclub.com para obtener más detalles.  Lo más importante es quedarse en casa si no se siente bien.  Tenga en cuenta que las políticas de COVID pueden cambiar en cualquier momento según la prevalencia del virus en nuestra comunidad y la orientación de nuestros órganos de gobierno.


Comportamiento en los Juegos

Esperamos que todos los jugadores, padres y entrenadores se comporten de la mejor manera posible.  Por favor, utilice sólo comentarios positivos y alentadores cuando esté en los juegos.

Westside Soccer Club no tolera ninguna forma de abuso físico, abuso sexual, intimidación o acoso. Cualquier problema de este tipo dará lugar a medidas disciplinarias.

Actualmente hay escasez de árbitros.  Debemos tratar a los árbitros con respeto en todo momento.  No podemos darnos el lujo de perder árbitros porque les gritan los entrenadores o los padres.  Si está interesado en convertirse en árbitro, vaya a www.oregonreferee.com para encontrar clases.

Eso es todo por ahora.  Que tengas una gran temporada.

Karl Meyer, presidente de la WSC