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Spring 2025 - Registration Open

Spring 2025 - Registration Open

Late Registration for Spring 2025 is Available

(as space allows)

The following groups have a wait list:

Girls Grades 2, 6 and 8

Boys Grade 1, 2 and 6


Financial Aid is available for players who live in THPRD or BSD boundaries and can be requested during the registration process.

If you will be paying by check or need a paper registration form, please email the office at for assistance. Player registration is not complete and teams will not be assigned until payment is received. Placement requests will be honored if possible but are not guaranteed.

Interested in Coaching? Please see Coaches Information and register as a Volunteer for the Spring 2025 season.

Key dates:

  • Teams are formed in late February
  • Coaches will contact players in mid March
  • Schedules will be posted in late March
  • Practices begin the week of March 31
  • Games begin April 5 (6 games over 7 weekends)
  • Last game is May 17

Questions? Check HERE for more infomation about the spring season or email us at 

Not sure if WSC is the correct club for you? Please check the THJSL website to find the club closest to you.

THPRD Residency Requirement

THPRD Residency Requirement

THPRD Residency Requirement

All players participating with Westside Soccer Club must have a current THPRD account and THPRD ID number to register for the season. Players that reside outside of the THPRD boundaries may need to pay a THPRD out-of-district assessment fee for the season.

To verify in-district or out-of-district residency status, please visit

or call the THPRD Athletic Center, 503-629-6330 for more information.

**The "out of district" assessment fee is administered, collected and monitored by THPRD, not Westside Soccer Club. This fee is in addition to your registration fee with Westside Soccer Club and is set by the THPRD district. The fee schedule is listed on the website posted above, or you may call their information line for questions***



Club Uniforms

WSC Uniform

WSC Uniform

All Westside Soccer Club players (with the exception of Micro players) must wear a Westside Soccer Club uniform. Uniforms include a jersey, a pair of shorts and one pair of socks. Players must wear shin guards and soccer cleats (NOT softball, baseball, or golf).

Uniforms may be purchased at:

Tursi's Soccer
8805 SW Canyon Lane
Portland, OR

Tursi's Soccer

Tursi's Soccer
Tursi's Soccer

Uniform donations

Uniform donations

If you have a uniform that your kids have outgrown, please donate it to Westside soccer so we can pass on to families with financial need.  We accept Westside jerseys, shorts, and socks as well as soccer cleats and shin guards.  You can donate at the Westside soccer office or by contacting